Sunday, March 25, 2012

Calm me

calm me, Lord
blow out the fear
think of the beautiful
enjoy peace!

calm me, Lord
make a difference
so others know love
enjoy others!

calm me, Lord
remove my worry
love better
making memories that count
enjoy life!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Serving in Hospice

I sits with grieving families and friends and listen. Silence. I give a probing question of  "What are some of your favorite things about your loved one?" The stories flow. Laughter. Smiles of great memories together. Tears. Tender moments of how much the continuing of those memories will be missed. I listen to the legacy left. Some are faithful servants, some worked hard to survive the difficulties life brought, some were caregivers all their life, while others had very little understanding of how to receive or share love.
Relationships give life when words of encouragement are shared, quality time spent together and "I love you" is repeated over and over. Such a reassurance. I believe God is in that love.

Lesson learned: Say "I love you" at least once a day to loved ones; let co-workers know you love and appreciate them for who they are and their gifts; also, take time to ask for the name of the person serving your "Starbucks" coffee, or sacking your groceries or visiting with you through the window at the bank..People are a gift!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Grandchildren Blessings

God is amazing .... I watch as nearly 2 year old O practices her words. She repeats words over and over; she learns to sing by listening to the song over and over. She loves music and she loves to communicate with us. Hmmmmm, God loves for us to communicate with God. I'm sure God is pleased when we practice over and over words that encourage and give praise and also when we sing with joy. That's what O taught me today!